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Aug. 23, 2005

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CSL Contributions still safe, but index sits in stealth mode

At last week's OpenMPE meeting, the 20-plus attendees in person and the 50 online got a brief report on the location of programs contributed to the Interex Contributed Software Library (CSL). Links to the CSL went dark when Interex cut off its Web access on July 18, but the programs are safe in the hands of Chuck Shimada, a longtime Interex volunteer and de-facto curator of this collection of HP 3000 utilities.

It might have been hotel bills that caused Interex to check out

A closer look at the Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing for the former HP users group showed its biggest creditors are hotels — a total of more than $1 million owed to conference hotels in three cities.

HP has filed to recover its share of Interex debt

Late last week, HP filed papers with the US District Court to recover its losses in the Interex bankruptcy.

MPE will need an emulator to attract hobbyists

HP reported at last week's OpenMPE meeting it will enable the time-honored tradition of a hobbyist's license for operating systems, giving the 3000 community a way to teach itself and experiment with MPE for non-commercial research and education.

HP 3000 volunteers moved onto other boards

A pair of longtime advocates for HP 3000 manufacturing users have moved onto the board of directors of CAMUS, the Computer Aided Manufacturing User Society. Terry Simpkins of Measurement Specialities and Terry Floyd of the Support Group inc. were elected in August, taking three-year and two-year board posts respectively.

Large Disk and LargeFiles are getting tested this month

The HP 3000 community is in the middle of testing HP’s latest enhancements and repairs to the server’s MPE/iX operating environment and its databases this month.

HP’s shares stand at a four-year high after a Q3 report

HP’s stock rose 13 percent in a single day after the company reported its third quarter results for fiscal 2005. The price of the stock was the highest since just before HP announced its deal to acquire Compaq in 2001.

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