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May 1999

Outer Banks launches One Stop integration

HP 3000 sites that are renovating their computer resources can get help and integration services to revive system management skills, as Outer Banks Solutions (800.558.5336) puts a new spin on the integration offerings for MPE/iX systems.

The company is offering a One Stop 3000 Shop service to deliver, integrate and train sites on a wide range of system management software, as well as its established HP 3000 management services. Outer Banks’ founder Steve Cole said the firm is pursuing or has signed reseller deals with Quest Software, Tidal Software, Bradmark, Solution-Soft, MiniSoft and Robelle Consulting. Products offered by the software companies manage systems, schedule jobs, administer databases and HP 3000 operations, and connect HP 3000s with other platforms and databases.

“We’re representing the products that we’d be recommending,” Cole said. “We think that’s going to help promote the products.”

The product offerings arrive along with the consulting and training services that Outer Banks has been offering for four years on HP 3000s. Tapping the founders’ experience from Northern Telecom’s IT operations, the company has been training HP’s customers on the MPE 5.5 and 6.0 releases in contracts with Hewlett-Packard.

Now, as the market interest lifts for the HP 3000, Outer Banks wants to help sites fill in the gaps in system management techniques that might have settled when the 3000 market was stagnant.

“With the resurgence of the 3000, we found a lot of customers out there who are lost,” Cole said. “Over the past few years, people have lost some of their staff, a lot of datacenter expertise that used to make decisions on system management. We have found ourself in an advisory capacity for systems management, and we want to create a one-stop shop for 3000 solutions.”

The company has established a new sales office for the One Stop operations, located in Houston. The firm will continue to train on the MPE/iX 6.0 fundamentals, and will be offering a high-availability seminar at this month’s MARUG user conference.

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Ron Seybold, Editor In Chief


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