August 2004

HP 3000s need crucial DDX for IMAGE Jumbo datasets

SIG-IMAGE won’t be holding a meeting this month at HP World, but that doesn’t mean the 3000 database doesn’t need more advocacy. IMAGE/SQL picked up Jumbo datasets several years ago to handle data in sets greater than 4Gb, but HP didn’t implement dynamic detail expansion (DDX) for Jumbos at the time. Later on the vendor introduced Large File Datasets (LFDS), which were supposed to work better and faster than Jumbos for the 4-plus Gb sets. They don’t work all that well, according to Adager’s CEO Rene Woc, to the point where Adager is advising HP 3000 sites not to implement LFDS. Instead, he’d like to see HP give the Jumbos the DDX capability they need. It’s not like Adager hasn’t supported LFDS; the company introduced a free utility for the community to convert Jumbos into LFDS. But more recent testing shows that LFDS introduces performance degradation because of the way the 3000’s Transaction Manager handled the large files.

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