December 1998

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Oracle support for 6.0: next summer

3000 customers running Oracle databases will be waiting awhile for the database to be supported under the latest version of MPE/iX. Oracle announced that it expects to ship its version of Oracle for MPE/iX 6.0 next summer. In the meantime, HP plans to certify that version of the software for MPE/iX 5.5 first, then move on to 6.0. The most current version of Oracle on the HP 3000 is The database is only installed on “less than a few hundred” HP 3000s, according to HP 3000 R&D manager Winston Prather. But that hasn’t kept customers using the database from asking about its future in places like the Strategic Customer Forums CSY held in November. Oracle 8i, the database product that promises to take on the duties of an operating system for Internet clients, has been announced for HP 9000s. But the 3000 division wants to focus on the needs of its majority customers, those using IMAGE and applications that run off IMAGE.

Oracle’s great promise was to deliver applications for HP 3000s, a development that simply hasn’t materialized in many programs. Oracle-on-MPE/iX customers and some channel partners still maintain that having the latest Oracle running on the 3000 will help support the platform — because they say companies already committed to Oracle elsewhere in their computer shops view the 3000’s lagging support as evidence of an aging solution. “It’s not a closed case,” 3000 general manager Harry Sterling said at the Forums. But for the near term, the reply to those customers’ Oracle 8 requests could well be “the majority rules.”

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