February 1998

Get the right Patch/iX version for installing Express 4 patches

If you’re planning on installing patches from Express 4 MPE/iX 5.5, you definitely want to get the latest Patch/iX first, because Mark Bixby says the release includes patch LBCJXT6A, “which will mess up your machine if you use the old Patch/iX.” It seems some patches require certain versions of Patch/iX to be installed successfully. Older versions omit a required ;shared parameter in the patch when re-linking the system library, so symbols that are supposed to be exported aren't, and they remain internal and unavailable to Posix programs which require them like the C++ compiler for the HP 3000. The latest version of Patch/iX is B.00.11, included on the Express 4 tape. The version from Express 3 is different, B.00.10. If you use AUTOINST to unload the goods from your tape, the new Patch/iX version is not restored automatically from the tape. You must explicitly restore it (and its corresponding PATCH000 message catalog file). We wonder why the latest version of Patch/iX can’t be downloaded from HP’s Electronic Support Center Web site, since you can get all the patches up there, too. Bixby said he’s seen Patch/iX fail at installing patches before, “but this is the first time where it said it installed one properly but really didn’t.”