February 1999

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New HP 3000s will arrive with a trial-use version
of a GUI interface

Bradmark Technologies has provided a 60-day demonstration version of its MPE Command Center software for all new HP 3000s shipped by distributor Integration Alliance. IA is including the Bradmark software on a CD ROM shipped with each new HP 3000 it sends to the resellers in the North American marketplace. The middleware to support the Command Center comes pre-installed on the systems’ hard drives. After the 60-day trial period, customers can buy the software through their reseller and use it without re-installing it. Command Center is the first tool loaded as part of the new Alliance3000 program from IA, one that selects applications and tools for ease-of-use. HP’s Alvina Nishimoto, R&D manager for the Internet and Interoperability program at the HP 3000 division, said Command Center “brings the look and functionality of the Windows NT environment to the HP 3000.”

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