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HP 3000 Visions
for 1999

January, 1999

In 1999 I’m looking forward to an expanded use of client-server and web-based technologies — especially web-based technologies. The upswing has started in the US, and the European market has been ahead of the Americas in this regard. It’s been proven to work nicely in Europe — now we need to get the Americas to adopt the technology where it’ll do the most good.

What’s your forecast for Java and Web servers becoming useful on the HP 3000 over the coming year?

That’s a loaded question, because of the uncertainty of the Netscape Server division being sold off to Sun. I would forecast that HP would follow IBM’s lead and officially support Apache for the HP 3000 as the official Web server for the platform.

Although I cannot forecast this — I see more people starting to work with Java/iX. These would be the “early adopters” of the group. As for Java as a whole, as much as I would like to see it in widespread use, until I see a mission-critical business application running successfully under Java, I have to temper my optimism. It’s being used, as I found out recently, with some router control software and other technical applications — but Java has not been a big player yet in business-related, mission-critical applications.

Another area of concern is Sun’s continuing problems with current Java’s JDK. They need to start getting it right so users can have confidence in the language.

Lastly, this Sun/Microsoft mess with Java needs to be cleaned up. Microsoft cannot control Java, and I have always said that I have a problem with Sun controlling Java. Legacy languages such as COBOL, C, C++, Fortran and so forth, were controlled by ANSI. I would like to see the standards of Java and even some of the “Visual” languages moved to ANSI.

Joe Geiser

Chair of SIGWEB


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