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Simple escape sequence tricks

By Shawn M. Gordon

This month I thought I would go over a variety of cursor control techniques as well as display enhancements that you can do with simple escape sequences. Many years ago I worked for a company who used no screen driver software at all, they simply did DISPLAY..ACCEPT and let the screen scroll. I thought it looked awful, so I sat down and decided I would learn HP View (known as VPlus today). But with no one to ask questions of, and no real samples to look at, I quickly grew frustrated and proceeded to write my own screen driver.

I had read some interesting articles over the years on how to program cursor placement and read the screen and use protected fields, so I ended up making a whole interactive forms design system that stored its screens in a database. I developed a series of macros that will retrieve the form, and display it, and other macros to accept input. It wasn’t too bad for a young punk.

After that I ended up designing a series of callable routines that would take parameters and do things such as menu bars and drop-down menus and such, also pretty slick, but they all made use of some basic principles and escape sequences, which I’ll talk about today. By the way, this is how I beat up a terminal emulator to make sure it works. Since this all works on a terminal, it better work on a terminal emulator. The old HP 2392 terminal manual was a great source of information for this stuff.

So what I thought I would do is give you a list of the escape sequences that I use (or some of them anyway), with a description, and then some examples with macros. The escape sequences are in Figure 1.

The following is the main macro that I use to implement the stuff in Figure 1:

COMPUTE T-ROW = !1 - 1
COMPUTE T-COL = !2 - 1
DISPLAY %33 "&a" T-COL "c" T-ROW "R"

Figure 1

* Send the cursor home and clear the display.
     05                   PIC X            VALUE %33.
     05                   PIC X            VALUE 'h'.
     05                   PIC X            VALUE %33.
     05                   PIC X            VALUE 'J'.
* Send the cursor to an absolute position on the screen.
     03                   PIC X            VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X(02)        VALUE '&a'.
     03 START-COL         PIC 99           VALUE ZEROES.
     03                   PIC X            VALUE 'c'.
     03 START-ROW         PIC 99           VALUE ZEROES.
     03                   PIC X            VALUE 'R'.
* Send the cursor to the upper leftmost corner of the display.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'h'.
* Send the cursor to the end of display memory.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'F'.
* Move the cursor up one line.
  01 UP-LINE.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'A'.
* move the cursor down one line.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'B'.
* Move the cursor one character to the right (not a space).
  01 GO-RIGHT.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'C'.
* Move the cursor one character to the left (not a backspace).
  01 GO-LEFT.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'D'.
* Scroll the display down one line.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'T'.
* Scroll the display up one line.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'S'.
* Insert a line.
  01 INS-LINE.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'L'.
* Turn on Insert Character.
  01 INS-CHAR.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'Q'.
* Turn off Insert Character.
  01 INS-OFF.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'R'.
* Delete a line.
  01 DEL-LINE.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'M'.
* Delete a charcter from the current cursor position.
  01 DEL-CHAR.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'P'.
* Turn on inverse video.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X(3)   VALUE '&dB'.
* Turn on half bright inverse video.
  01 INV-HALF.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X(3)   VALUE '&dJ'.
* Begin Underline.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X(3)   VALUE '&dD'.
* Turn on Half Brite video.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X(3)   VALUE '&dH'.
* Turn off any display enahncement started with &d.
  01 EHL.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X(3)   VALUE '&d@'.
* Clear the line from the cursor to the end of the screen.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'K'.
* Clear the display from the cursor to the end of display memory.
  01 KLEAR.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'J'.
* Turn on memory lock at the current cursor position.
  01 MEM-ON.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'l'.
* Turn off memory lock (doesn't matter where the cursor is).
  01 MEM-OFF.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'm'.
* Perform a Next Page.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'U'.
* Perform a Previous Page.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'V'.
* Turn echo off, not the same as the FCONTROL one.
  01 ECHO-OFF.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X(3)   VALUE '&dS'.
* Enable Transmit Functions (this is so you can tell when a cursor key is
* pressed, and supress the actual action.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X(4)   VALUE '&s1A'.
* Disable Transmit Functions (default setting).
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X(4)   VALUE '&s0A'.
* Turn the screen display off, this is good to hide what you are doing, gives
* a physchological feeling of instant display.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X(5)   VALUE '&w13F'.
* Turn the screen display on (default setting).
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X(5)   VALUE '&w12F'.
* Read the line at the current cursor position, can be used for a PSCREEN
* type function.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE %33.
     03                   PIC X      VALUE 'd'.
* Turn Line drawing on and off, display an escape character, variables for my
* ad-hoc display macros.
  01 G-ON                 PIC X      VALUE %16.
  01 G-OFF                PIC X      VALUE %17.
  01 ESC                  PIC X      VALUE %33.
  01 T-ROW                PIC 99     VALUE ZEROES.
  01 T-COL                PIC 99     VALUE ZEROES.

Let me explain one thing that may not be obvious. When you look at a terminal and get the screen coordinates, they are numbered from 1,1 at the upper left corner. However, all the escape sequences to do cursor positioning number from 0,0. So I decided to make the macro adjust for what the screen says and avoid confusion.

So here are some examples of what you might try:

%TERMPOS(5#,1#,UNDER-LINE “This is a heading of some sort” EHL#).
%TERMPOS(23#,1#, INVERSE “You have made a fatal error in the application” EHL#).
%TERMPOS(23#,1#, KLEAR#).

This is just a simple example of the uses, but once you have built up a small library of predefined variables and macros, you will be able to do all sorts of ad-hoc screens with relative ease.

Shawn Gordon, whose S.M. Gordon & Associates firm supplies HP 3000 utilities, has worked with 3000s since 1983.


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