July 1998

You’ll hear about new financial choices for 3000s

We have a special place in our heart for applications on the HP 3000s. Few pieces of hardware sell themselves the way that a mission-critical piece of software moves 3000s, so it’s worth noting when apps move onto this market. One well-weathered application has gotten nice new client-server functionality from eXegeSys, as MM II became the eXegetic Resource Planning (eRP) solution with the eXegete Client, the latter being PC software that runs on either Windows 95 or Windows NT desktops. New features in the new eRP are expected to serve finance’s needs better, the kind of thing that GUI clients can radically improve.

Paul Dorius of the firm said they haven’t renamed the product just to get new business cards made. “eRP is a comprehensive, integrated suite of highly customizable business applications addressing financial, manufacturing, order processing, maintenance and logistics,” he said, “components of which are based on the products formerly known as HP Manufacturing Management II. Our renaming of the suite explicitly implies the eXegeSys commitment to the revitalization, enhancement, and extension of these popular solutions. The eXegete Client is our first new product to the suite, with several more in process or planned.” Further out there’s QueryCalc Financials, the coming version of the AICS Research report writer/spreadsheet that plans to deliver payroll capability to 3000s. The 3000 has always counted beans well, and now it looks like its legacy in the finance department is motivating application developers to cut new MPE/iX code.

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