November 1998

Query and MDX are getting compatible again

The new dynamic master dataset expansion for IMAGE — well, it’s new to most of you, although HP has been shipping it since late summer — will be working correctly with Query soon. HP engineer James Overman, the keeper of the Query flame, reported HP made a beta patch available in early November to reconcile the newest IMAGE feature with one of the most venerable HP 3000 tools. If you haven’t been bitten by the problem, it feels like this: doing a Query FIND ALL on a Master dataset with MDX enabled may not return all of the entries in the dataset. Query will return a maximum number of records equal to the initial primary capacity of the dataset. Overman said “this is due to a DBINFO mode 202 being used to get the loop limit rather than a DBINFO mode 205. A similar limitation exists in the LIST ALL and MULTIFIND ALL commands. Basically, whenever the message USING SERIAL READ occurs when reading a Master dataset, the maximum entries returned will be limited to the initial capacity of the dataset.” The beta patch is QUEKXJ6A/B/C for MPE/iX 5.0, 5.5, and 6.0. Repaired versions of QUERY are D.03.14 and N.03.14.

Overman also noted that earlier adopters of new features can use a TurboIMAGE patch being developed (TIXKXJ7) which corrects some other MDX-related defects as well as DBUTIL ERASE effects on DDX datasets. This is the repair to the re-hashing problem MDX is currently suffering under. Overman said that patch was supposed to be in beta by the second week of November, and the TurboIMAGE version will be at least C.07.18.

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