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Classics upgrade
to Y2K-safe release

With official support now over for Classic HP 3000s, HP is offering a Year 2000 Upgrade Program for these pre-RISC systems running MPE V. The program allows customers to buy Year-2000-safe release and patch updates to the MPE V operating system and subsystems. Two options from the MPE V/E media product deliver the program, 777 for customers running Release 1P and older, and 888 for customers running Release 2P and older. HP has certified version 3P of MPE V as Year 2000-safe.

HP said it’s not going to offer the upgrade program proactively. Instead, customers must approach HP sales reps, who will then work with staff from the Software Services Division — which handles MPE V — to determine pricing and eligibility for the customer. HP said it’s determining pricing by the version of MPE V the customer is running and the system tier of the Classic HP 3000. HP is collecting the fee for upgrading MPE V in lieu of the old Return-to-Support program, which assessed costs for customers who’d been off support with these oldest of HP 3000s.

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