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February 2002

Get the most out of your Robelle Tools

A Permanent Redo Stack for Qedit

By Bob Green

One of the most frustrating little things about MPE is that when you log off after a day of heavy programming, your “redo stack,” with all its built up history of commands and file names, is lost.

It was the same in Qedit as well, which emulates MPE’s Redo. Commands entered at the Qedit prompt are saved in something called the redo stack. You can recall commands from this stack by using the Redo, Do and Listredo command. The redo stack was stored in a temporary file and discarded as soon as you left Qedit. This did not allow the stack to be preserved across Qedit invocations.

But then Alfredo Rego of Adager insisted that Qedit ought to be able to save the redo commands in a permanent file almost as easily as a temporary file. And now the Set Redo command allows you to assign a permanent file as your redo stack. For example, to assign “myredo” as the persistent redo stack, enter:

/Set Redo myredo

If the file does not exist, Qedit creates it. Otherwise, Qedit uses the existing file. All your subsequent commands are written to the persistent redo stack. If you want to use a persistent stack every time you run Qedit, you just insert the Set Redo command in one of your Qeditmgr configuration files.

P.S. Suprtool now has persistent Redo as well.

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