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HP 3000 Visions
for 1999

January, 1999

With the formal commitment by CSY to port MPE and IMAGE to IA-64, after several years of uncertainty by many in the 3000 community one thing we will not (or at least should not) be hearing anymore is users wondering if HP has a long- term commitment to the 3000.

CSY will be putting more resources into MPE and IMAGE R&D than they have since Posix was added to MPE/XL and it became MPE/iX. Ditto for compilers.

The HP 3000 R&D investment by CSY in 1999 and following years will result in significant increases to the upper limits for many system and database parameters; to the point where it should enable the 3000 to compete with larger mainframes and in the very large data warehouse arena. “Large files” is only the best known in a fairly long list of both commonly known and obscure limits that are likely to be addressed.

If the new HP Open Skies Division of CSY is and continues to be successful, it could be a catalyst for the HP 3000 to become more prominent in providing time-share services via the Internet to businesses in other areas. One small but important area that needs to be addressed ASAP to facilitate this is to provide secure telnet access to the 3000 (not all network access can be via off-the-shelf or homegrown client-server).

What capability is number one on your hit list for HP 3000 database users?

Speaking as an end-user and not as SIGIMAGE Chair, from our site’s perspective, making ODBC access to TurboIMAGE data via IMAGE/SQL easier to set up, manage, and use, and making it more capable, is probably number one in the near term. This umbrella covers a fairly long list of functionality, performance and system management issues; not all issues are common to all sites.

Also note that this is not just an HP issue; it also needs to involve the third-party vendors of 32-bit ODBC drivers for the 3000. Being able to successfully implement things like ASP (active server pages) with a 3000 back end is still too hard and too complex. The moving and/or deficient Microsoft target may be to blame for many of the problems — but that does not relieve HP and the third-party vendors from needing to deal effectively with the current reality.

Ken Sletten


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