
HiddenValue details commands and programs in MPE that can improve productivity on HP 3000 systems. Get a free NewsWire "HP 3000 Always Online" cap -- submit an MPE tip to Hidden Value. E-mail your tips to rseybold@zilker.net, or fax them to 512.331.3807.

I need to change my HP 3000's host IP address. Don't I have to reboot the system when doing this?

In order to change the HP 3000 host IP address, it is not necessary to reboot. Simply make the required changes in NMMGR, validate NETEXPORT, then stop and re-start the network with the appropriate NETCONTROL, NSCONTROL commands.

From my home group I issued CHGROUP GROUPA, and then issued a BUILD FILENAME;TEMP. A little later I CHGROUPed back to the home group and then tried to access the temp file, but to no avail. I couldn't even see it when I issued LISTFTEMP@,2. Where did it go, and how do I find it?

Costas Anastassiades replies:

As you may know, TEMP files remain for the duration of the session (or job). MPE can maintain a copy of your entire account structure yet in the temporary domain. So by issuing the command LISTFTEMP@.GROUPA,2 you should be able to see the file. Similarly, there is nothing wrong with issuing the BUILD FILENAME.GROUPA;TEMP, BUILD FILENAME.GROUPB;TEMP or the SAVE and PURGE commands.

I'm looking for a method to turn on/off the ability for users to use CTRL-BREAK to interrupt a process. Obviously this can be done at the LOGON UDC level, but I want to be able to do this within a command file.

You can disable the CTRL-BREAK by putting OPTION NOBREAK in the first line of your command file. There is a catch though -- don't use it on a REMOTE command file. Be aware that if you press CTRL-BREAK on a remote command file that has OPTION NOBREAK, your VT session will hang. The CI will be stuck in a perpetual "Terminal Read Wait" until someone does an :ABORTIO on the virtual LDEV.

How can I make my HP 3000 dial out a phone number to my pager? The modem is connected to a port on a DTC72. I would like to send AT commands to dial my pager. I have tried a file equation with an ECHO ATDT(phone number) >>*backward reference but I get a FSERR 68.

Ross Scroggs replies:

If you're going to drive the modem with FCOPY/ECHO, attach a terminal to the modem and tell it the facts of life:

AT&F       Set defaults
AT&C0   Force DCD
AT&D0   Ignore DTR
AT&S0   Force DSR
ATE0    Don't echo
ATQ1    Suppress result codes
AT&W    Don't forget what I just told you

(These values may have to be adjusted to match your modem.) This setup assumes that the modem will be used for nothing else. Connect the modem to a subtype 0 port. A 2-3, 3-2, 7-7 cable will do.

Issue this file equation: file pager,new;dev=xxx;acc=inout. Now you should be able to send your string with FCOPY, ECHO and so on. To test, plug a terminal into the port and verify that ATDT9876543,,,666 or whatever comes out.

Sharing the modem with dial-in users is tricky as you'd want a subtype 1 port, you'd want normal DSR and DCD and you'd want the modem to pay attention to DTR. Basically the opposite of what you set above.

I need to know how to create the non-captive user. Our system is running MPE/XL with the WDS (Western Data System) database on it. I know how to create a captive user (who directly goes to the WDS database without having any system prompt ":"). However, I don't know how to create the user who, after entering the user ID and password, can obtain the colon system prompt.

Jeff Vance of CSY replies:

It seems you know how to create an MPE user via the NEWUSER command. An MOE user ID consists of the user part and the account name separated by a dot (".). POSIX blurs this definition but it still works.

If, when you logon as your new user ID (user.account and appropriate passwords), you don't see the Command Interpreter's (CI) prompt, then an option logon UDC has prevented you from getting to the CI. If you are the system manager, meaning you have SM capability (do LISTUSER on your username) then you can change the UDC or bypass them by logging on with parm=-1. Do HELP on the HELLO command for more details.

We would like to run a job on machine A, have it perform some tasks, then REMOTE HELLO (NS) to machine B, and perform the same tasks. The problem we are having is guaranteeing that we detect any problems with the tasks on machine B via JCW/CIERROR checks, and notifying the operator of machine A that an error had been detected on machine B.

What you need to know is how to detect the setting of a JCW on a REMOTE system. Following is an example depicting how to test if a JCW is set on a remote system (Where the file JCWGOOD holds the line SETJCW REMOTEJCW = 0 and JCWBAD holds the line SETJCW REMOTEJCW = 1)

!ECHO Listf was successful
!ECHO Listf was unsuccessful

I have around 30 reports that I must print as a group multiple times. These reports must be printed in the original sequence. I tried the SPSAVE which does hold them from being deleted, but then I had to use the SPOOLF;PRINT on each spoolfile to get it to print again. Is there an easier way?

Larry Byler of HP's CSY replies:

It's easier than multiple SPOOLF ; PRINTs, but it does involve some front-end work on your part. Get into the SPIFF utility, then APPend each of your files in order. (Use SPIFF's Help facility if you're not familiar with the APPend command). The result will be one large spool file containing each of your constituent files in the order you APPended them. You can then SPOOLF ; PRINT this file, specifying one (default) or many copies.

I'm trying to discover the user license limits on my HP 3000 systems. What's the command to do this?

You can check/verify different situations by simply using SHOWVAR HPUSERLIMIT and SHOWVAR HPUSERCOUNT. Notice that an "unlimited" system will have HPUSERLIMIT -1 and HPUSERCOUNT not counting up.

I'm looking for a way to implement a feature that seems to have been lost in the transition from MPE V/E to MPE/iX. Under MPE/V I could say (command) [sessionname,]username[/userpass].acctname[/acctpass] [,groupname[/grouppass]] This was really handy in a networked environment as either it all worked, or it didn't. The lack of (command) caused us great grief when we migrated from V/E to iX.

Lars Appel replies:

I am not sure if it completely matches your needs, but as far as I know, it is possible to pass a command to HELLO using the INFO and PARM options. With PARM you can tell the system if it should execute one command only or stay logged on after the INFO stuff completed. An example would look something like HELLO example,LARS.APPEL;INFO="LISTF";PARM=1.

The details should be in the Command Reference Manual or inside "Accessing Command Interpreter Functions and Variables" The heading was something like "Running CI as a program."

I realize that I couldn't use 5-pin DTCs with dial-up modems, but what about non-dial modems (or line drivers, as I am used to calling them)? Since these are always connected, there is no need for the modem to disconnect at log-off time. Also, if they can be used with line drivers, can you connect any device to them (printers, in particular)?

Tracy Johnson replies:

The way I learned it a dozen years ago was that a simple line driver took a 5 pin RS-422 DTC connection(only 4 of the 5 pins were used) and converted it to simple RS-232 and vice versa. From there you can hook it up to a 1) modem, 2) another device with the same protocol, or 3) another line driver at the other end with Transmit and Receive reversed. If you use the last method, the line should have no carrier (not a phone line, i.e. "dead").

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