May 2005

May 2005

Unlock VPlus FORMS for other platforms

As some 3000 sites move interfaces and applications to other platforms, the nuances of MPE/iX sometimes present a challenge to share with other systems. VPlus FORMS files, for example, are a unique 3000 component that are easy to list out but harder to push onto systems such as IBM’s servers.

Several tools have emerged to bring FORMS work onto other screens. ScreenJet’s tools have provided an AcuBench development environment migration option since 2002 to put VPlus interfaces to work on the many systems Acucorp’s AcuBench supports. Another tool can work to put the FORMS onto non-3000 systems through Java and XML files. The InterNet Agency’s ANSI Studio can provide an IBM-familiar target for FORMS files, according to the Agency’s Chris Thompson:

“The ANSI Studio Workbench may help to meet this requirement. Based on Eclipse, it provides not only the forms file information but also VPLUS application migration tooling. I imagine that the IBM people will recognize and be comfortable with the underlying Eclipse platform, since it is the basis of many of their current application and middleware products.”

More information on the ANSI Studio is at ScreenJet’s VPlus migration tool suite is outlined at the company's Web site.

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